APV-T (Test Centre) is a NATA accredited industrial testing and service provider that operates the most advanced independent testing laboratory of its type within the region, as evidenced by our FIA and NATA certifications. We are the Partner of Choice for testing services and certification of products for industry, safety and regulatory bodies. We provide an expansive range of dynamic, mechanical and environmental testing services, simulation, specialised photography, data acquisition and advisory services to meet the needs of Automotive OEMs, Industry and international customers. Our FIA Test House Homologation is unique to the region and the southern hemisphere for dynamic crash testing and internationally we uniquely perform full vehicle development testing for a major passenger vehicle OEMs. This has established APV-T as an internationally recognised commercial laboratory for Environmental, Mechanical, Photography, Data Acquisition and Dynamic Testing.
For more information on APV-T please see: www.apvtestcentre.com